Scottish Word: Trow.
The chiel’s a tumshieheid gomach monoglot o a trow o the warst kind. Burst his pan tap ahn skooshed a biled bilein o rotten neep oer the ceilin. Frae lookin at his browsin history and choice … Continue reading Trow.
The chiel’s a tumshieheid gomach monoglot o a trow o the warst kind. Burst his pan tap ahn skooshed a biled bilein o rotten neep oer the ceilin. Frae lookin at his browsin history and choice … Continue reading Trow.
Sic a wealthy gowk as yersel I widni let pass while ye heedlessly siller-blind remain. Nor blythely wid I greet the faithless man wha siller-dodges aw the while. So I tak this pike o snaw white-siller, … Continue reading Gowk.
Dinni be fooled by her pauchliness. Ah’ve seen her pit an ee oot richt through the centre o a monocle. Ahn dangle lone bawbags from her horn. We’ve nae idea whaur the bodies are. She’s a … Continue reading Pauchle.
Dinni pity them bumbazed craiters poppin in an oot o boxes but instead spare a thoucht for us. We’re aye gettin peerie-heidit and gyte wi huvin tae keep this whirlie maleerie place up tae scratch wi … Continue reading Peerie-heidit.