Scottish Word: Scrogs.
Dee ye forest reenger polis o the purse. Lickspittles tae the siller rich wha cheaply boucht oor earth, ahn quick tae own an fell an profit oot o trees no yet cam o age, leavin but … Continue reading Scrogs.
Dee ye forest reenger polis o the purse. Lickspittles tae the siller rich wha cheaply boucht oor earth, ahn quick tae own an fell an profit oot o trees no yet cam o age, leavin but … Continue reading Scrogs.
Dinni whissle. He’s left that life o wark n sair trauchle wi the yowes ahint ‘imsell noo. Ahn yer heid’ll be richt aff yer shoulders here n noo wi the Royal Blade if he suspects ye … Continue reading Whissle.
Consider yersel telt. Yer no using my coo tae play fitba wi heids. I dinni care that it saftens them up fur ye and shoogles oot the een. Dae the wark yersel. A heid as a … Continue reading Fitba.