Scottish Word: Fricht.
It is ma obleegation an duty as examiner o this pairt o yer practicall observatioun tae bring tae yer notice that we may suddenly at onie time measure in some wye hoo extreme or otherwyse yer … Continue reading Fricht.
It is ma obleegation an duty as examiner o this pairt o yer practicall observatioun tae bring tae yer notice that we may suddenly at onie time measure in some wye hoo extreme or otherwyse yer … Continue reading Fricht.
Richt a bit, richt a bit, forrit forrit, noo left a wee bit. Noo richt an back a bit. Guid! Yer guid noo, hud it like that. The cheese factory is comin up on yer beam … Continue reading Richt.
“Hoi! Hoi you! Is it awricht if I chap wi this thing or is there a door bell for the sake of safety?” Translate: awricht: all right, permissible, allowable. “Hoi! Hoi you! Is it permissible to … Continue reading Awricht.
Richt bairns, tak yer granny ashore tae a toasty tea room There’s a sair haar movin in oer the water ahn it’s like tae jeel me tae mha banes. Gleg like noo. Translate: haar: A cold … Continue reading Haar.
I aye like a thick moggan tae hap ma leg. Otherwise I’ve got a cauld gap atween mha jaikit an mha gore-tex pro gaiter whaur yon snell wind ootside cuts richt through ma guid winter breeks … Continue reading Moggan.
Och faither yer scratcher time cuik buik’s awricht in its way. But dae ye no hae a vegan version? Ahm seek o meat, ah dinni mind tellin ye. And scoffin less o it is one wey … Continue reading Cuik.
First the neb: A dirl o a stang tae mha neb richt awa wi the snell smeeky reek o a choked lum aboon a pew ilk an auld dug oot o the oxter o a lang … Continue reading Smeek.
I huv here a legal intimation o aw the earth tae bid onie resident o onie lum tae void and redd that lum richt noo fur the duration o mha veesit oan pain, if yer langsome … Continue reading Void and redd.
Hey Idris ye ken hoo yer mates are gollerin doon the shank: “If yer seein that wee imaginary man aside ye again, yer breather’s fawn aff – get it back oan or ye’ll dee!” Weel they’re … Continue reading Goller.
It’s irrelevant that ye sprauchle up a tree cos ye hae a gastrous dreid o cats ya munce ye. Trees is oor second hame. How dae ye no know that? Onywye what cat’s gonna disreul itsell … Continue reading Sprauchle.