Scottish Word: Void and redd.
I huv here a legal intimation o aw the earth tae bid onie resident o onie lum tae void and redd that lum richt noo fur the duration o mha veesit oan pain, if yer langsome … Continue reading Void and redd.
I huv here a legal intimation o aw the earth tae bid onie resident o onie lum tae void and redd that lum richt noo fur the duration o mha veesit oan pain, if yer langsome … Continue reading Void and redd.
“Get this moger redd up or yir both fur a lampin.” Translate: redd: clear up. “Get this mess cleared up or you will both be under threat of a beating.” The Scottish Word: redd with its … Continue reading Redd.
Yir wrang! if ye kin hear me oer the din. A two stroke ingine jined tae a generator tae chairge yer batteries tae drive yer electric motors isni the tosh environmental reddit ye think it is … Continue reading Tosh.
Mind, way back, hoo we cam tae feel gey dowf an athoot ettle efter thon cosmic radiation burst what killed aw the organic craiters hereaboots. Weel! I redded oot mha heid pan o them orra auld … Continue reading Baigie.
The tounser moose aa’n the teuchter moose. “For the umpteenth time, there’s nae drains awa oot here. So tak yir chantie leavin’s tae the midden aback o the byre whaur ah’m aboot tae empty this pail … Continue reading Tounser.
“Aff yer erse an get that moger redd up an intae the kists. Ye ken we’ll no get oor deposit back if the shell cases are no in the boxes.” Translate: moger: mess, muddle, a job … Continue reading Moger.