He’s blawin an bleezin like there’s nae-the-morra. Keep drappin the white goods oan his napper afore he brings the hail hoose doon. Jist like he did wi youz twa’s ricklie biggit examples. Dinni miss noo! Dunt … Continue reading Bleezin. →
Skreichin puggie skirling abune ma heid screengin efter a death sun deith o the deid ettled efter aw ither blenters scarted oot riddled reid nithin but dull ramshoch ablach. Owersettins: screenge: prowl after, yearn for. (This … Continue reading Screenge. →
“He’s weel kent as ‘a gutts an gangyls’, slocherin doon onythin that gangs past. It’s why he gies aff stinks mair ramsh an reekit than the guff o the swamp.” Translate: a gutts an gangyls: nothing … Continue reading Gangyls. →