Scottish Word: Skellet.
This parritch’s o’er thick awa tae thon clean burn an get a skellet o guid clean water. An why would it no be clean. Aw burns shuid be clean – that’s right is it no. It’d … Continue reading Skellet.
This parritch’s o’er thick awa tae thon clean burn an get a skellet o guid clean water. An why would it no be clean. Aw burns shuid be clean – that’s right is it no. It’d … Continue reading Skellet.
I think it’s lumpy because you’ve used the parritch mix instead o the wallpaper paste mix dear. Nae wonder the rat’s eating it. Ahn tae mak it warse ye’ve used ma insta-mix special extra lumpy hip … Continue reading Parritch.
“Ah’d like fried bacon wi the tattie scones also fried but wi ma black puddin grilled along wi a tomato, jist cut in half mind. An I’m no wantin link sausages, I’ll hae lorne, twa slices, … Continue reading Lorne Sausage.
“It’s bricht an it tips the scales mair than a dod o granite – it must be gowd! Jings! Ah’ll be able to treat massel tae some cream an even hinnie in my parritch noo.” Translate: … Continue reading Dod.
“She maks that guid a porridge it’s a hard job pullin oot the spurtle.” Translate: spurtle: porridge stirrer – often formed in the shape of a thistle. “She makes a porridge so exceedingly excellent that it … Continue reading Spurtle.