Scottish Word: Peerie.
Them wee peerie folk are all ye get free on the NHS in England noo but they’re why yer faither swallies his medicine. Cos they’re sae peerie he thinks he’s deleerit ahn the medicine isnie real … Continue reading Peerie.
Them wee peerie folk are all ye get free on the NHS in England noo but they’re why yer faither swallies his medicine. Cos they’re sae peerie he thinks he’s deleerit ahn the medicine isnie real … Continue reading Peerie.
Dinni pity them bumbazed craiters poppin in an oot o boxes but instead spare a thoucht for us. We’re aye gettin peerie-heidit and gyte wi huvin tae keep this whirlie maleerie place up tae scratch wi … Continue reading Peerie-heidit.
Awfie sorry boss the trees wir awfie gropsie this year and hoovered up the lot. It’s usually jist the Aurach that’s graapus fur chocolate. So it’s jist the yin for ye this year ‘n it’s peerie … Continue reading Gropsie.
Is that it!? Yiv a peerie measure an a richt droont-miller haun aboot ye min, tae my ee. God sink ye! Ah’ve a guid mind tae rethink mha magnanimity in victory an insteid o drinkin yer … Continue reading Droon the Miller.
Crivvens – ah shuid hae kent this hygienic cairt gemme o Guts-Poker-Covid I invented widni go weel fur us whut wi us aw haein oor very own pack o cairts tae deal frae. We’d aw been … Continue reading Cairts.
Whit tae dae? Whit tae dae? I’m switherin atween reading yin o mha digital buiks o the pochle I hae oan my slippery peerie tait o a screen here or tak in some classic Sci Fi … Continue reading Lairge.