Scottish Word: Sprose.
Yince men o mense noo peutherin ahn vaigin, sprosers aw. Crankie, pauchtie an fu o blaw an buller. Yin like the ithir, the auld gaird huddin tae their paps aw what is auld, foosty ahn past … Continue reading Sprose.
Yince men o mense noo peutherin ahn vaigin, sprosers aw. Crankie, pauchtie an fu o blaw an buller. Yin like the ithir, the auld gaird huddin tae their paps aw what is auld, foosty ahn past … Continue reading Sprose.
Noo Tam… yir no gonna be swickin me wi yer pauchtie scheme like yiv done tae oor pal Injun Joe. Ah’ve jist looked up ‘The Adventures of Tom Sawyer’ on Wikipedia here. And whats more I’ve … Continue reading Swick.