Scottish Word: Tyne.
I dinni miss them that I used tae cairt aboot nor them that were on mha road for I wid be sure tae tyne their life. It’s cos o them that I huv no contact wi … Continue reading Tyne.
I dinni miss them that I used tae cairt aboot nor them that were on mha road for I wid be sure tae tyne their life. It’s cos o them that I huv no contact wi … Continue reading Tyne.
Ha Ha yer in the gled’s grups noo Superchook, ah’ve had mha gled ee on yer pouers for years an ther’s nocht ye kin do but snuil doon noo an gie them tae me. Mha Super … Continue reading Gled.
Tak care Pettigrew it’s mittled monie a weel protected agronomist ahn hardy nochtie arboriculturalist chiel mair than ye ken. Ahn we’ve got their bluid oer here tae prove it. Dae it doon ahn gie it a … Continue reading Mittle.
“Hae mercy ah’ve nocht bit a puckle bawbees in ma spung.” Translate: spung: a purse or money pouch, usually with a spring clasp. “Have mercy on me, I have nothing but a small amount of poor … Continue reading Spung.
“Will you stop mumpin oan man. It’s nocht bit a scratch.” Translate: mumpin: complaining. “Will you stop continuously complaining man. It is nought but a scratch.” The Scottish Word: mumpin with its definition and its meaning … Continue reading Mumpin.