Scottish Word: Nicht.

“It’s a braw bricht moonlicht nicht. C’mon whit dae ye say?” Translate: nicht: night. “It is a wonderfully bright moonlit night. Come along, what do you say (are you agreeable)?” The Scottish Word: nicht with its … Continue reading Nicht. →
Scottish Word: Bogle.

Here you. Are you the bogilly bogle o Hrungnirøss the muckle trow wha drooned in the wilsome moss holes oer the bye? Wha walks the watters maist nichts by the scarrow o the moon. If’n so … Continue reading Bogle. →

Weel da, I’m namin this wee tiddler Baldur twa fin an settin him go in celebration o da simmer dim. We’ve fed weel the nicht so shuid be graitfu, and show it, no? Translate: simmer dim: … Continue reading Simmer Dim. →

The Coo pat slinger. [Night! And oor hero and Malkie Fu expert is oot and aboot … hunting the phantom coopat slinger. Accompanied by his trusty companion – THE DOCTOR.] The doctor: “Aye weel, it’s a … Continue reading Stammer. →

Yon jug’s his preferred recipe. He maks it fae the pot beer oot o the still ahn adds a guid helpin o foreshot tae shairpen the taste tae his liking. Ah dinni grudge it, he’s bin … Continue reading Foreshot. →
Scottish Word: Fower.

Stage yin an Stage twa are the tasty yins. Stage fower Haggisses are the dangerous yins but are certainly aw lang deid by noo. There has only ivver been yin sichtin in recent times. An that … Continue reading Fower. →
banners, claws, fire, fireside, gloves, haggis, road, signs, teeth, trees, wellies Scottish Word: Swats.

“Yiv an awfy lot o foam on yer swats the-nicht.” Translate: swats: newly brewed weak beer. “You have a shocking amount of foam on your new brew tonight.” The Scottish Word: swats with its definition and … Continue reading Swats. →

“Ye shouldni lie wi a Russian shot putter if’n ye snagger an snork aw nicht.” Translate: snagger: snore harshly. “You should not go to bed with a Russian shot putter if you harshly snore and snort … Continue reading Snagger. →

“It’s a gey goustie nicht the-nicht.” Translate: goustie: wild, stormy, eerie. “It is a rather eerie desolate blustery night tonight is it not.” The Scottish Word: goustie with its definition and its meaning illustrated and captioned … Continue reading Goustie. →
boat, bolt, fisherman, fishing, lightning, octopus, sea, storm, tentacles, terror, waves Scottish Word: Lumber.

“Ah wonder if we’ll get a lumber the-nicht?” Translate: lumber: make a connection with a potential partner at a social occasion. “I wonder if we will get to escort a member of the opposite sex away … Continue reading Lumber. →