Scottish Word: Neb.
‘My neb’s aye like this ‘ken but I aye mak a donation.’ Translate: neb: nose. ‘My nose is always like this you know but I always make a donation.’ (Red Nose Day March 16). Red Nose … Continue reading Neb.
‘My neb’s aye like this ‘ken but I aye mak a donation.’ Translate: neb: nose. ‘My nose is always like this you know but I always make a donation.’ (Red Nose Day March 16). Red Nose … Continue reading Neb.
Gaffer are ye sure ye didni feel thon hotch or hear thon splash? I’m sure I heard it despite the niver endin muittit moaning o this wanless wancheery whale? Mind, there’s red nebbed whale free-ers in … Continue reading Hotch.
Ah’ve jist telt ye that it’s jist mha neb herrs I’m wantin dealt wi here. I ken yir jist an artificial intelligence inside that hairless blue plastic napper o yours. But thers gibbles particular tae sneckin … Continue reading Futtle.
Hud yer heid still Clarice, so’s ah can scrat yer yeukit neb! Gettin powtert in the ee is yer ain faut if’n ye fidge ‘n fyke! There’s yir ee agin. Hud yer neb still ah tell … Continue reading Yeuk.
Nae fear Santa I ken yer no a bulfie bloke. Yer even mair o a skinnymalink than me an lanky too. Despite yer fat neb. We aw ken, cos yer thermal long johns oan the washin … Continue reading Bulfie.
I wish a reid neb oan a gizz and a touch o pent could turn them fowks wha tirraneese an dounhauden intae hermless gowks. But this is no the case sadly. But yet you yersel can … Continue reading Fowk.
Gi’im peace woman it soothers the loun in this time o trial. It cam in wi the flotsam frae the noo gigantic gyres o aw the junk frae aw the flooded leids aroond the warld. Gaithered … Continue reading Soother.
First the neb: A dirl o a stang tae mha neb richt awa wi the snell smeeky reek o a choked lum aboon a pew ilk an auld dug oot o the oxter o a lang … Continue reading Smeek.
Och it’s jist a falset neb! I thoucht yer choller had swollen. It wiz sonsie mind, ye ken. Translate: choller: double chin, wattles of a cock Gosh it is just a false nose. I thought your … Continue reading Choller.
“Weel Moudie auld pal, hoo long’s thon neb been yirdit then, dae ye ken?” Spiered the hoolet frae its delf in the tree. Translate: yirdit: buried “Well Mole, my old friend, how long has that nose … Continue reading Yirdit.