Scottish Word: Nakit.
Yiv heard o the nakit chef? Weel this is the nakit chemist. Dinni ask me hoo he manages it but it’s his thing. An no a chemical burn tae be seen. No oan the back view … Continue reading Nakit.
Yiv heard o the nakit chef? Weel this is the nakit chemist. Dinni ask me hoo he manages it but it’s his thing. An no a chemical burn tae be seen. No oan the back view … Continue reading Nakit.
Yir wee nakit by-bit is tryin tae get yer attention Oswald. Ah think it jist wants ye tae bite its heid clean aff, gleg like, instead o fryin it. Translate: by-bit: a snack between meals. Your … Continue reading By-Bit.