Ahn they telt me it couldnae be done. Translate: couldnae, couldny, couldnie, cudnae, cudna: could not. And they told me it could not be done. ′kudne The Scottish Word: couldnae with its definition and its meaning … Continue reading Couldnae. →

“Weel Holmes, naebuddy kens nuthin widn’t ye say?” Translate: naebuddy: nobody. “Well Holmes, nobody knows anything of substance wouldn’t you say?” The Scottish Word: naebuddy with its definition and its meaning illustrated and captioned with the … Continue reading Naebuddy. →
Scottish Word: Soond.

I’m going to share mha secret scone recipe on this wax cylinder furlie for aw youz in the future. Whit can ah say, ahm a techie. Ah hope ye enjoy mha soond effects. “Sift 32oz, o … Continue reading Soond. →
Scottish Word: Tyne.

I dinni miss them that I used tae cairt aboot nor them that were on mha road for I wid be sure tae tyne their life. It’s cos o them that I huv no contact wi … Continue reading Tyne. →

Haein a shilagie plant fur a guru isnae gonna work for you I’m thinkin. I doot that onie plant can exert the fluence on you. Ahn if it does, I’m thinkin it’s coontered by you smoking … Continue reading Shilagie. →
Scottish Word: Lang.

We’re hae’n a competition tae see hoo lang we can streek the dugs slaver frae its mou afore it braks. The langest distance oot o ten tries or tae when the dug gangs hame is the … Continue reading Lang. →
Scottish Word: Noo.

Noo Erchie dinni mind the reek, an dinni worry forbye for oor car’s yokit tae a tree. These blootering deluges o noo an times will pass an the water’ll run awa doon the glen as afore. … Continue reading Noo. →

Noo noo Karntarnoc – be respectfu, nae snash or sneist, ahn dinni gie the man a fleg. They’re a wraikful flichty lot an kin wheich up a brae an oer the tap in a blink o … Continue reading Wraikful. →
Scottish Word: Snaw.

Jings, ah doot it’s snawed a guid deal mair than we thoucht since this morning. Nae wonder we struggled tae find the path back doon. Still, it’s no so bad noo tho. Translate: sna, snaw: snow. … Continue reading Snaw. →
Scottish Word: Sneesh.

Mebbe we shouldnae hae caw’d it a Snuff Gun riotstormfuhrer Senga. Especially since we ken yer in a fyke aboot the dwine in yuisible orrasters doon tae oor inventive an snar polisin o aw the protests. … Continue reading Sneesh. →