Scottish Word: Dear.
“Aye Aye Aye so ye thoucht moudieskin scrievin buiks cam wi-oot consequence an that woolly jumpers were adequate recompense did ye? The dootfu cottage industry we deny in oor pursuit o ert! Nae wonder they’re sae … Continue reading Dear. →
animals, cold, knitting, mole, moles, moleskin, needles, nude, skin, stitches, wool Scottish Word: Pentin.
“Telt ye ye shouldni be wearin a birsie jumper when yir pentin.” Translate: pentin: painting. “I did mention to you that you should not be wearing a hairy jumper when you are painting.” The Scottish Word: … Continue reading Pentin. →
brush, critic, flat, girl, girls, hair, paint, painting, paper, pink, tin, window