Scottish Word: Moggan.
I aye like a thick moggan tae hap ma leg. Otherwise I’ve got a cauld gap atween mha jaikit an mha gore-tex pro gaiter whaur yon snell wind ootside cuts richt through ma guid winter breeks … Continue reading Moggan.
I aye like a thick moggan tae hap ma leg. Otherwise I’ve got a cauld gap atween mha jaikit an mha gore-tex pro gaiter whaur yon snell wind ootside cuts richt through ma guid winter breeks … Continue reading Moggan.
Noo keep yer protective macintosh jaikit oan aw the time and aye keep yer hood up when yer oot in the sulphuric rain and stay awa frae the nitric bobbin-quaws an acidic rouks. An nae skelpin … Continue reading Bobbin-Qwaw.