Scottish Word: Taum.
Them vicars are o the taum efter the scrimpit amoont whit landed oan the collection plate yesterday oan tap o the general puir kirk attendance. Then being gien the task tae keep them pair refugees frae … Continue reading Taum.
Them vicars are o the taum efter the scrimpit amoont whit landed oan the collection plate yesterday oan tap o the general puir kirk attendance. Then being gien the task tae keep them pair refugees frae … Continue reading Taum.
Ye’ve no real richt tae murn, cark an channer at me if ye’ve no voted – so hud yer wheesht when ye huvni made yer mark tae entitle ye tae mulligrumph. Get oot an vote. Translate: … Continue reading Channer.
“Noo hud yer wheesht fur a minute my fine bowsie able lookin puddocks and puddockesses, and I will read tae yez what I huv written oan the menu here.” Translate: bowsie: big, fat, corpulent, puffed up. … Continue reading Bowsie.