Scottish Word: Jine.
Goldilocks with the three bears, at supper instead of breakfast, addressing the Haggis; “Wee chieftain o the pudden race, hunted by the fierce o face, slaverin an snortin an fu o fang nae matter that yiv … Continue reading Jine.
Goldilocks with the three bears, at supper instead of breakfast, addressing the Haggis; “Wee chieftain o the pudden race, hunted by the fierce o face, slaverin an snortin an fu o fang nae matter that yiv … Continue reading Jine.
“Ah’d like fried bacon wi the tattie scones also fried but wi ma black puddin grilled along wi a tomato, jist cut in half mind. An I’m no wantin link sausages, I’ll hae lorne, twa slices, … Continue reading Lorne Sausage.
“Save yersel son. Let yir brakwast wirm go.” Translate: wirm, wurm: worm. “Save yourself son. Let your breakfast worm go.” subterranean drama. If you were in a hot air balloon looking down on a rainforest it … Continue reading Wirm.