Scottish Word: Braw.
“Oh … I see, yir speciality wafer thin mint fur puddin? Braw.” Translate: braw: very good, fine, splendid. “Oh … I see, your speciality wafer thin mint for dessert? Excellent.” dessert One of my favourite Monty … Continue reading Braw. →
bones, chef, chew, cutlery, dinner, dog, knife, plates, ribs, spoon, table, tray, wine Scottish Word: Birsle.
He’s a cuik tae be reckoned wi. Nae blitterie biled farin here. Bruckle scowdered reekin spicy divots tae nip ‘n birsle the mou an mak the een weep is the wye ahn ye need a cast … Continue reading Birsle. →
Ah’m a craw an canni sing so the maister steam-smith made me this furlie so I can mak my ain music. He loves craws. Ah keep the fire stoked and the steam organ toots awa played … Continue reading Maister. →
Scottish Word: Chancy.
Ah’m affy chancy ye ken tae have a musician perched oan the nok. He can sing anaw. Naebuddy I Ken’s sae chancy as me tae say they hae a craw’s nest wi a craw, braw singer … Continue reading Chancy. →
Scottish Word: Maut.
Aye! Weel may ye sing o’ the maut, the meikle black deil, an th’ Exciseman. Ahn while it’s verry guid o ye tae trade sae fairly yer port an brandy for my braw hame made whisky … Continue reading Maut. →
Scottish Word: Gowk.
Sic a wealthy gowk as yersel I widni let pass while ye heedlessly siller-blind remain. Nor blythely wid I greet the faithless man wha siller-dodges aw the while. So I tak this pike o snaw white-siller, … Continue reading Gowk. →
Kin ah intereest ye tae step oot and sample a wee galshach frae mha box, Mr Gust the Gab? if I may be permitted tae give you sic an honorific title that my kin bestows upon … Continue reading Gust the Gab. →
Hoi gran is it potted-heid or powsowdie yer making ahn dae ye still want me tae peel ahn shred the veg? Are ye no supposed tae skin the thing or at least singeit the wool and … Continue reading Powsowdie. →
Hoo’d a thoucht that yer cranniewanny clook wid be as teuch tae manicure as yer ither clooks eh? Did ye ken I mak doon the nail shavins an sell the pouder as sneeshin? An I must … Continue reading Cranniewanny. →
Scottish Word: Trump.
Stoap bein a wee shairn ersed trumper an git oan wi it. You’re the new manifestation o Faither Time, yiv nae choice but tae see the new year oot, mal or braw. Dae yir duty an … Continue reading Trump. →