Scottish Word: Bouk.
“I’m sick o humphin his muckle bouk frae rink tae rink an side tae side. If he’s no willin tae tak his dunts n dings like a man he’ll never learn. Let him fa.” Translate: bouk: … Continue reading Bouk.
“I’m sick o humphin his muckle bouk frae rink tae rink an side tae side. If he’s no willin tae tak his dunts n dings like a man he’ll never learn. Let him fa.” Translate: bouk: … Continue reading Bouk.
“Hash oan Jack! Thon muckleboukit beezer’s fair fleein doon the bene-stock.” Translate: muckleboukit: big built. “Speed on Jack and don’t worry about the quality of the work! That big built exceptional person is in exceedingly fast … Continue reading Muckleboukit.
Thon begyted bauchle’s gi’en a bairn an a bairnie bear a backie wi a boukit birsie bear busslin behind. Is the bear bealin or pairt o the dale? Is it daffin? Diz he ken the bear’s … Continue reading Backie.
Dad. Mither sez frae noo on yiv aye tae wash yer bouk in the fairm tank whenivir yiv been muckin oot the shairnie grumphie. Ahn she wunners if there’s no an easier wye tae shift the … Continue reading Warsle.
Oan the sicht o yer unbawndonit muckle bouk swimmin unner I wiz sweirt tae row on tae the rocket. But ah kent not ye spaikit the Scots weel or wiz a stravaiginger o the galaxy yersel. … Continue reading Unbawndonit.
Yer no hairse in the least. Yer scroban soonds fine tae me, yer lighs are clear, an so’s yer thrapple. Ye’ll jist hae tae face facts an admit that yiv got a boukit craw’s heid insteid … Continue reading Hairse.
Haggert in hauf. Yin the kyte n shanks leckin blude, yin the pow n shouders seemin wice. Whit pairt airtens t’ither n tae whaur? Whit pairt mishanters n whit clecks thouchts? Twa th’gither yet alane, mirkit, … Continue reading Hagger.