Scottish Word: Bawkie.
I’m o the opeenion Igor, that ye need tae cut back oan yer bawkie restoration programme. No least because o the nummer o flies ye hae tae breed tae feed them. Ye’ll get me a warse … Continue reading Bawkie.
I’m o the opeenion Igor, that ye need tae cut back oan yer bawkie restoration programme. No least because o the nummer o flies ye hae tae breed tae feed them. Ye’ll get me a warse … Continue reading Bawkie.
The bawkie weenged puggie in its kist haimmered shut by the blazin fist first finger in a line o stobs afire lined n twined in pirls o clookit wire fit thrapples yin dool burd n hirples … Continue reading Weeng.
“Weel done ma bawkie pals. When this lot sticks tae his pent that’ll teach him no tae DIY shut oor ingang tae oor summer roost again.” Translate: ingang: entrance. “Well done my bat friends. When this … Continue reading Ingang.
“He bides owerby. And ye only ivir see him oot at nicht feedin the bawkies.” Translate: owerby: over there. “He lives over there. And you only ever see him out at night feeding the bats.” The … Continue reading Owerbye.