Scottish Word: Backie.
Thon begyted bauchle’s gi’en a bairn an a bairnie bear a backie wi a boukit birsie bear busslin behind. Is the bear bealin or pairt o the dale? Is it daffin? Diz he ken the bear’s … Continue reading Backie.
Thon begyted bauchle’s gi’en a bairn an a bairnie bear a backie wi a boukit birsie bear busslin behind. Is the bear bealin or pairt o the dale? Is it daffin? Diz he ken the bear’s … Continue reading Backie.
“Ahm tellin ye Prozack we’re well oot o it, flittin, it’s only a matter o time til the auld bauchle faws and drops oor universe while exercisin up an doon the stairs. Particularly wi those awfie … Continue reading Awfy.