I’m ‘feuach’ frae fit tae hunker-bane, deef – gless-ee’d an stumpy. But wi my cairtie vertie n virr, nithin daunted – hardy we maun-dae. Nae ben, heich or brae will stap or stint us – hooanivir … Continue reading Hunker-bane. →
Scottish Word: Bane.
“If’n ye rattle ma banes like that again – yer deid!” Translate: bane: bone. “If you rattle my bones again like that – you are dead!” music – many a good tune can be got from … Continue reading Bane. →
“Nah nah, awa yo go. Ahm efter green-bane the-day.” Translate: green-bane: garfish or needlefish which have greenish bones. “No no. Away you go. I am after garfish today.” The Scottish Word: greenbane with its definition and … Continue reading Greenbane. →
Scottish Word: Moggan.
I aye like a thick moggan tae hap ma leg. Otherwise I’ve got a cauld gap atween mha jaikit an mha gore-tex pro gaiter whaur yon snell wind ootside cuts richt through ma guid winter breeks … Continue reading Moggan. →
Lookatit, tweetlin awa guid style. The wee burd. Gonna no malkie it Bob, gonna no, will ye no? Tweetlin its pair hert oot wi it’s bonnie wee reid bib an aw fur a inklin fouterie snippit … Continue reading Tweetle. →
As tae yer feckless idea tae experiment on what this neep mincer wid dae tae ferm cats. Zeendy: try that wi onie o the ferm cats roond here an they’d skin us tae the bane and … Continue reading Feckless. →
Thon Rab Ha o a dug disni ken what ‘his maister’s thee-bane an callour fingered speciality o the day‘ means. Nor what oor speciality meat wi a bane denner we made for him will cost him … Continue reading Callour. →
“Right. Are ye sure yer Chems for golems are perfect this time Asimov? I’m no wantin this thing gi’in me oni mair o this bane heidit by the letter tirraneese it gets up tae. It pented … Continue reading Tirraneese. →
alligator, beard, brain, cabinet, crocodile, glasses, golem, kiln, owl, paint, paintbrush, pot, pots, pratchet, red, skull, study, workshop Scottish Word: Ilk.
“It’s the beheided banes o yin o ma ilk richt eneuch. But hoo’d he dee?” Translate: ilk: family, kindred, race. “It is the beheaded bones of one of my kindred right enough. But how did he … Continue reading Ilk. →
Scottish Word: Inby.
“Come awa inby an warm yir banes by the fire.” Translate: inby: in the inner part, further in. “Come away you to further in and warm your bones by the fire (a welcoming expression showing recognition … Continue reading Inby. →
Age, bone, bones, cottage, Death, fire, old, quilt, sheiling, skull, smoke, thatch