Scottish Word: Hinnie.
She’s gonna be in a richt radge at her hinnie piece gettin weet and her tea bein diluted in the coming rain. She’s awready got the sair heid an wi that storm breeshlin in awfi fast … Continue reading Hinnie.
She’s gonna be in a richt radge at her hinnie piece gettin weet and her tea bein diluted in the coming rain. She’s awready got the sair heid an wi that storm breeshlin in awfi fast … Continue reading Hinnie.
He’s queeryin, whilst takin parteecular note o us wearin waders, if we’re bein willfully thrawart in no seein the watter. He’ll gie us that it’s crystal clear but denying watter’s there ataw he taks as bein … Continue reading Thrawart.
The chiel’s a tumshieheid gomach monoglot o a trow o the warst kind. Burst his pan tap ahn skooshed a biled bilein o rotten neep oer the ceilin. Frae lookin at his browsin history and choice … Continue reading Trow.
Ah foresaw an awready kent aw this whut cam tae pass. The doctor there’ wha nearly chokit oan a stott o cake. The life savin’ Heimlich viking beardy loun, the reid pussed baxter o indegestible buns. … Continue reading Baxter.
Look, it’s the loom o morn awready ya evil basket. You’ve nae time tae squat there moodily indulging in existential angst o’er deith, entropy and the ennuii o immortality all o-er the heid o yer morning … Continue reading Loom o morn.