Scottish Word: Awbody.

“Awbody – aw thegither noo!” Translate: awbody: everyone. “Everyone – all together now!” The Scottish Word: awbody with its definition and its meaning illustrated and captioned with the word used in context in the Scots language … Continue reading Awbody. →
Scottish Word: Leid.

Yir leid lid’s nae yis as protection agin the 5G phone masts transmitting Covid 19. Which is paranoid shite onywye. Especially, if’n it wiz true, awbody has tae be opening this wee hatch tae spik te … Continue reading Leid. →

Whits aw this stramash steerin up the stour o the tar o the playgroond fur. Whit are ye aw oot o yer boxes fur, Wha stairted it? Hae ye forgotten aw o yer social distancin trainin? … Continue reading Stramash. →