Scottish Word: Attery.

“Toast nivir lands butter side doon as afen as is thocht. An if it does, it’s a sure sign there’s attery oot an aboot that shouldni. That’s why I built this universal attery detector.” Translate: attery: … Continue reading Attery. →
butter, calendar, cycle, goggles, knife, machinery, pratchet, rat, skeleton, skull, toast, wheel Scottish Word: Feuch.

He’s been converted tae electric for years but took tae feuchin tae compensate. His feuchie habit means I hae tae tak a pipe aff him at iviry station. He disni like it. He misses his lum … Continue reading Feuch. →

Hoi ya yonker skellum watch what yer daein skeeterin aboot in that contraption. Ye’ll hae the paint scarted oan mha new motor nippin them stanes like that. Ahn ahl tell ye this! Efter I hae a … Continue reading Skellum. →
Scottish Word: Haik.

So we haik aboot here looking like a big gowden sakeless jessie in the hope the alien craiters o this wattery warld’ll turn up? In the vain hope we dinni fleg yin when it does turn … Continue reading Haik. →
Scottish Word: Fyke.

I’ve goan ahn volunteered for the green-hoose re-pottin night-shift cause it’s usually restful. An noo ah’ve got the mither o aw fykie mithers eyeballin me through the glaiss yagimentin at my potting on o her wee … Continue reading Fyke. →