Scottish Word: Aside.
“Noo listen hard vicar, please dinni refer tae me as a ‘burd’. I am the professor’s secretary. The professor’s aside ye wi his tea an his wee terrier is awayis barkin at the bursour. There are … Continue reading Aside.
“Noo listen hard vicar, please dinni refer tae me as a ‘burd’. I am the professor’s secretary. The professor’s aside ye wi his tea an his wee terrier is awayis barkin at the bursour. There are … Continue reading Aside.
Ah’ve jist telt ye that it’s jist mha neb herrs I’m wantin dealt wi here. I ken yir jist an artificial intelligence inside that hairless blue plastic napper o yours. But thers gibbles particular tae sneckin … Continue reading Futtle.
Hey Idris ye ken hoo yer mates are gollerin doon the shank: “If yer seein that wee imaginary man aside ye again, yer breather’s fawn aff – get it back oan or ye’ll dee!” Weel they’re … Continue reading Goller.
Yince men o mense noo peutherin ahn vaigin, sprosers aw. Crankie, pauchtie an fu o blaw an buller. Yin like the ithir, the auld gaird huddin tae their paps aw what is auld, foosty ahn past … Continue reading Sprose.
Ah foond the test puddocks they aw het up biled wi-oot noticin in their surface-o-mobile bubbles when the sun kem oot. I massel ahm oer het ahn gonna huv tae initiate the emergency bubble launch doon-hill … Continue reading Foond.
Whaur’s that damn puggie that caws hissel a librarian ya beardie bulfie? I’ll teach him tae keep the likes o me me cheyned up oan the shelf aside a lot o lesser buiks foo o peetifu … Continue reading Cheyne.
Look! There wiz a perfectly guid huidin oan that rock that ye rowed aside. Ye could’ve moved the flowers and swingle’t open easy. Ruined. Ma step-faither wiz real guid at fittin them tae cabinets inaw. Translate: … Continue reading Huidin.
The bawkie weenged puggie in its kist haimmered shut by the blazin fist first finger in a line o stobs afire lined n twined in pirls o clookit wire fit thrapples yin dool burd n hirples … Continue reading Weeng.
“Aye, yir bonnie, aside frae the plook on the neb.” Translate: plook: pimple. “Yes, you are beautiful, apart from the pimple on your nose.” The Scottish Word: plook with its definition and its meaning illustrated and … Continue reading Plook.