Scottish Word: Peerie.
Them wee peerie folk are all ye get free on the NHS in England noo but they’re why yer faither swallies his medicine. Cos they’re sae peerie he thinks he’s deleerit ahn the medicine isnie real … Continue reading Peerie.
Them wee peerie folk are all ye get free on the NHS in England noo but they’re why yer faither swallies his medicine. Cos they’re sae peerie he thinks he’s deleerit ahn the medicine isnie real … Continue reading Peerie.
McPhiz, Spud and Super Ranger. [An aff duty meenit for Spud the Squirrel.] [When … ] DUNT! Spud: “Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah!” [Countryside Ranger McPhiz WAS haein a sowff anaw.] Whang! Poomph! Whipple! CRASH! clang! Spud: “ERK!” McPhiz: “A … Continue reading Sowff.
Ah’m affy chancy ye ken tae have a musician perched oan the nok. He can sing anaw. Naebuddy I Ken’s sae chancy as me tae say they hae a craw’s nest wi a craw, braw singer … Continue reading Chancy.
It’s the remains o Pirate Captain Windy Wuntle Windlestrae richt eneuch, preserved oer the years by his weel kent aboundant pushionous pumps. His peg leg sauf here anaw. Pirate Captain Windy Wuntle Windlestrae. [part 2 of … Continue reading Pushionous.
Thon giant zombie took me by surprise ye ken. I managed tae bash its brains oot wi my machete afore I realised I wiz wantin an erm. Guid job ah’m corrie fisted. It wisni till I … Continue reading Wantin an Erm.
I’m o the opeenion Igor, that ye need tae cut back oan yer bawkie restoration programme. No least because o the nummer o flies ye hae tae breed tae feed them. Ye’ll get me a warse … Continue reading Bawkie.
“Yer punishment and yer curse for dissin yer betters is tae humph yer inlaw an her dug up iviry Corbett in the land. An think yersel lucky I dinni mak it Munros anaw.” Translate: humph, hump: … Continue reading Humph.
“Yir nithin but an athegither kithan an ye dress like een anaw.” Translate: kithan: rascal, blackguard, a tricky person. “You are nothing but a complete blackguard and you dress like one as well.” The Scottish Word: … Continue reading Kithan.