Scottish Word: Lipper.
What wi the ice shelfs breakin mair n mair an meltin skelpin awa garin the sea tae grow mair n mair tae lipper gey near the limit o oor fleet dykes alang wi mair n mair … Continue reading Lipper.
What wi the ice shelfs breakin mair n mair an meltin skelpin awa garin the sea tae grow mair n mair tae lipper gey near the limit o oor fleet dykes alang wi mair n mair … Continue reading Lipper.
I mind when this wiz packed fou o young moles wi their een skinklin frae the hunners o candle lanterns lining the mirrored waws. Happy days. Jiggin in the flichterin licht tae the disco beat, fu … Continue reading Skinkle.
Jings it’s the muckle minginishrie broon troot. Gey rare. If I wiz you I wid bide still and no cairry-oan like a fly oan tap o the watter, ye dinni want tae end up a catch … Continue reading Troot.
Them vicars are o the taum efter the scrimpit amoont whit landed oan the collection plate yesterday oan tap o the general puir kirk attendance. Then being gien the task tae keep them pair refugees frae … Continue reading Taum.
Whit tae dae? Whit tae dae? I’m switherin atween reading yin o mha digital buiks o the pochle I hae oan my slippery peerie tait o a screen here or tak in some classic Sci Fi … Continue reading Lairge.
“Skip up the corbie stanes, shin alang the heid, a wee lowp tae yir plettie, in yir scratcher windie an yir maw’ll niver ken ye’ve been oot boozin. Maw’s can be unforgivining whaur booze is involved.” … Continue reading Corbie Stanes.