Scottish Word: Alane.
“Miss miss, ah’d like tae pit massel forrit, alane, fur oor scuil’s three legged race.” Translate: alane: alone. “Miss miss, I would like to put myself forward, alone, for our school’s three legged race.” ə′len The … Continue reading Alane. →
Scottish Word: Tyne.
I dinni miss them that I used tae cairt aboot nor them that were on mha road for I wid be sure tae tyne their life. It’s cos o them that I huv no contact wi … Continue reading Tyne. →
Scottish Word: Hagger.
Haggert in hauf. Yin the kyte n shanks leckin blude, yin the pow n shouders seemin wice. Whit pairt airtens t’ither n tae whaur? Whit pairt mishanters n whit clecks thouchts? Twa th’gither yet alane, mirkit, … Continue reading Hagger. →