Scottish Word: Fricht.
It is ma obleegation an duty as examiner o this pairt o yer practicall observatioun tae bring tae yer notice that we may suddenly at onie time measure in some wye hoo extreme or otherwyse yer … Continue reading Fricht.
It is ma obleegation an duty as examiner o this pairt o yer practicall observatioun tae bring tae yer notice that we may suddenly at onie time measure in some wye hoo extreme or otherwyse yer … Continue reading Fricht.
The alairm’s aff, whaur’s yer KULF! Hiv ye no been telt it’s a maun-be fur them that sail in oor modern oceans. If ye dinni huv yer ‘Keepie Up Life Float’ (KULF tae you) yer likely … Continue reading Maun-be.