Scottish Word: Airm.
Mutation causin airms an legs tae grow an an extra ee isni gonna happen even if we vape wi oor lid shut. Davros is even gallus aboot oor vaping no causin oor tentacles tae stint an … Continue reading Airm.
Mutation causin airms an legs tae grow an an extra ee isni gonna happen even if we vape wi oor lid shut. Davros is even gallus aboot oor vaping no causin oor tentacles tae stint an … Continue reading Airm.
It is ma obleegation an duty as examiner o this pairt o yer practicall observatioun tae bring tae yer notice that we may suddenly at onie time measure in some wye hoo extreme or otherwyse yer … Continue reading Fricht.
The alairm’s aff, whaur’s yer KULF! Hiv ye no been telt it’s a maun-be fur them that sail in oor modern oceans. If ye dinni huv yer ‘Keepie Up Life Float’ (KULF tae you) yer likely … Continue reading Maun-be.
Dad. Mither sez frae noo on yiv aye tae wash yer bouk in the fairm tank whenivir yiv been muckin oot the shairnie grumphie. Ahn she wunners if there’s no an easier wye tae shift the … Continue reading Warsle.
Yiv done it again wi yer stookie! That’s why naebuddy’ll sign it. Yer wife’s gonna be much mair radge than I wiz yon last time. I widni be surprised if she braks yir ither airm when … Continue reading Stookie.
Weel done lankie airmed man. Yiv saved me frae a robbin an gien the badjin a crookit nebbit. Mairie me – ah’ll sing yer sang. “The lankie airm man’s no a snarkie deil man, he’s a … Continue reading Lankie.
Weel Ladies this is oor battle-air-ship but dinni be fooled – the airmour’s paper thin tae keep her licht eneuch so’s the aerium gas in her bladders’ll lift her quick so’s we kin rocket awa gleg … Continue reading Licht.
I’m no sure if that’s a bogle or a brownie but ahl no gie ye a boddle oer fower shillings six pennies and three farthings. Ah ken ye like tae sell oan added value extras and … Continue reading Boddle.
Ah kent ah wiz ill-hung-thegither but this is takin the piss. Hoo’d ye jine a puggie’s haun that size tae sic a muckle airm like mine an get it tae work? It IS a puggie’s haun, … Continue reading Ill-hung-thegither.
Goldilocks with the three bears, at supper instead of breakfast, addressing the Haggis; “Wee chieftain o the pudden race, hunted by the fierce o face, slaverin an snortin an fu o fang nae matter that yiv … Continue reading Jine.