Scottish Word: Soond.
I’m going to share mha secret scone recipe on this wax cylinder furlie for aw youz in the future. Whit can ah say, ahm a techie. Ah hope ye enjoy mha soond effects. “Sift 32oz, o … Continue reading Soond.
I’m going to share mha secret scone recipe on this wax cylinder furlie for aw youz in the future. Whit can ah say, ahm a techie. Ah hope ye enjoy mha soond effects. “Sift 32oz, o … Continue reading Soond.
I’m warnin ye human. My kind are stervin here an if ye go oot to sea ahm gonna huv ye for mha tea. Huv you seen the state o the coastal seafloor aroond here wi the … Continue reading Sterv.
Ah canni thole this torture onie longer John. Dae yer duty. Tie yer unbrakable cord fast tae this damned tuith ahn kick the bricks oer the cliff. Dinni look sae worried MAN! Ahm no goin anywhere … Continue reading Thole.
Bide back ahv goat a gun ahn am no afeard tae yuise it. Yin step mair ahn I malafooster yer egg. Wirms o the warld unite! We rule. Ahm Muskie the wirm o wirms. Ye’ll newser … Continue reading Malafooster.
Mind, way back, hoo we cam tae feel gey dowf an athoot ettle efter thon cosmic radiation burst what killed aw the organic craiters hereaboots. Weel! I redded oot mha heid pan o them orra auld … Continue reading Baigie.
Och faither yer scratcher time cuik buik’s awricht in its way. But dae ye no hae a vegan version? Ahm seek o meat, ah dinni mind tellin ye. And scoffin less o it is one wey … Continue reading Cuik.
I think the kettle’s bilin noo Sparky, onie mair heat and ye’ll hae its erse melted awa. And whaur’ll we be with oor tea perty then! Oot! Oot o tea. That’s what. Noo pit yer bilet … Continue reading Bile.
Hey Idris ye ken hoo yer mates are gollerin doon the shank: “If yer seein that wee imaginary man aside ye again, yer breather’s fawn aff – get it back oan or ye’ll dee!” Weel they’re … Continue reading Goller.
Ahm frae the Sooth ahn the Sooth’s whaur the suffering’s sair ahn weary langtime frae global warming. Floods, fire, famine, landslides, heat, drought and death. The carbon footprint generated by the siller-gruppit North is a hunner … Continue reading Sooth.
The chiel’s a tumshieheid gomach monoglot o a trow o the warst kind. Burst his pan tap ahn skooshed a biled bilein o rotten neep oer the ceilin. Frae lookin at his browsin history and choice … Continue reading Trow.