Scottish Word: Loun.
Noo loun, fur I see that ye are a loun. Ah’d prefer if ye had troosers on afore ye sit doon. Kin ye just squat like, but no touch, fur the time being so’s ah can … Continue reading Loun.
Noo loun, fur I see that ye are a loun. Ah’d prefer if ye had troosers on afore ye sit doon. Kin ye just squat like, but no touch, fur the time being so’s ah can … Continue reading Loun.
Weel min, ye should ken that whaur there’s yin o these craiters then syne there’ll a dizzen or mair. It’s weel kent hereaboots. Ah’d skoosh back tae yer submersible double quick if I wiz you. We’re … Continue reading Dizzen.
Ah’d like tae get my hands oan the tube wha picked me tae be stuck in this spinnin space cylinder fur a lifetime. AND the tube wha decided tae shunt us aff intae interstellar space fur … Continue reading Tube.
“This disni sound like a gift suitable for a sprog tae me Santa, ah’d do a backgroond check on that list if I wiz you.” Translate: sprog: bright but undersized boy. “This does not sound like … Continue reading Sprog.
“Ah’d like fried bacon wi the tattie scones also fried but wi ma black puddin grilled along wi a tomato, jist cut in half mind. An I’m no wantin link sausages, I’ll hae lorne, twa slices, … Continue reading Lorne Sausage.
“Ah goat the idea frae a scuil web site whaur they completely masked all the wean’s swatches tae forbid inappropriate enjosement o the photies. So ah thoucht ah’d dae the same tae the pentins tae protect … Continue reading Wrang.
“Miss miss, ah’d like tae pit massel forrit, alane, fur oor scuil’s three legged race.” Translate: alane: alone. “Miss miss, I would like to put myself forward, alone, for our school’s three legged race.” ə′len The … Continue reading Alane.