Scottish Word: Adae.
“Ah’ll jist tak a look to see whit’s adae ahint the door.” Translate: adae: going on, what is happening. “I shall just have a quick look behind this door to see what is happening.” The Scottish … Continue reading Adae.
“Ah’ll jist tak a look to see whit’s adae ahint the door.” Translate: adae: going on, what is happening. “I shall just have a quick look behind this door to see what is happening.” The Scottish … Continue reading Adae.
They’re no wice. I ken they ken oan frae aff. I’ve pooerit the mense o human kind frae planet earth into thon puddock. AND it kens hoo tae work thon oan & aff furlie tae turn … Continue reading Oan.
“Ach! Yir still spirlie and ill-thriven, whit’s adae wi ye? I’ve hud enough! Ah’m no waitin onie longer.” Translate: spirlie: thin, spindly. “Argh! You are still skinny and scraggy, what is wrong with you? I have … Continue reading Spirlie.