Scottish Word: Abune.
“…and are ye jist as wee an uggin unner the water as ye are abune it? Har har” Translate: abune, aboon, aboun: above. “…and are you just as small and disgusting under the water as you … Continue reading Abune.
“…and are ye jist as wee an uggin unner the water as ye are abune it? Har har” Translate: abune, aboon, aboun: above. “…and are you just as small and disgusting under the water as you … Continue reading Abune.
Lether thon waw lads ahn get intae them meschants abune us like a dug leatherin a bawd ahn we’ll finish this seige the-day. Translate: lether, ledder: ladder. Get the ladders up all over that wall lads … Continue reading Lether.
Goldilocks with the three bears, at supper instead of breakfast, addressing the Haggis; “Wee chieftain o the pudden race, hunted by the fierce o face, slaverin an snortin an fu o fang nae matter that yiv … Continue reading Jine.
Skreichin puggie skirling abune ma heid screengin efter a death sun deith o the deid ettled efter aw ither blenters scarted oot riddled reid nithin but dull ramshoch ablach. Owersettins: screenge: prowl after, yearn for. (This … Continue reading Screenge.