Scottish Word: Tounser.
The tounser moose aa’n the teuchter moose. “For the umpteenth time, there’s nae drains awa oot here. So tak yir chantie leavin’s tae the midden aback o the byre whaur ah’m aboot tae empty this pail … Continue reading Tounser.
The tounser moose aa’n the teuchter moose. “For the umpteenth time, there’s nae drains awa oot here. So tak yir chantie leavin’s tae the midden aback o the byre whaur ah’m aboot tae empty this pail … Continue reading Tounser.
“Quick ma braw wee green bysyn o as yet unkent an unruleful thouchts – gie yersels oot o ken aback o the covers or ye’ll be scowdered awa.” Translate: bysyn, bysun, bysning: a monster, a marvel. … Continue reading Bysyn.